18th April 2015

………..After a couple of hours the guy on the gate waved to me and gave me a key. But not MY key. Still it was a key to an empty apartment so somewhere to sleep. I was just dozing off when I heard a familiar buzzing sound. Mosquitoes. With commendable forethought I had packed a can of repellant which was er….locked in my room. I was covered in bites by the morning and hell did they itch. ( A little Ed Miliband-speak for you there ). By lunchtime I had commandeered a student who took me to the Chinese medicine shop where they sold me a potion. Very good stuff, it smells a bit like Vick.

One thought on “Mozzies”

  1. Haven’t thought of vick for years. Parents used to smother my chest with it when I had a cold.

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